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Hey all just got a few new pictures for you again this week. I have cornered my wife into letting me get another 4ft tank and 2 x 2ft ones yer and i got them on friday. WOOHOO I got a Hongi Pair today at least i think that there a pair the guy in the shop told me that this one had killed the other male off and he dont leave this one alone she has only a yellow fin and greyish sort of body if anyone has any info on them on how to breed them or sex m from f. and what they like to eat please let me know cause i dont know much about this fish so any advice would be appreciated... The female however (i just call her a female cause he dont attack her just trys to push her into the cave so i think she might be.) Anyhow she has egg spot. too do female hongi get egg spots??? anyway heres the ...


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Hey Hoddz, Breeding hongi is usually just a matter of having a male and a female wink2.gif They breed like rabbits! Is the male courting the female? Shaking in front of her and changing colours to a lighter colour with more barring? Its hard to tell from the pics but it looks like you might have a pair, the quality can vary alot. There best kept in colonys to reduce aggression, if i were you id hunt down a few more juvi's/adults. As for diet, they will do well on any quality cichlid flake or pellet. (NLS, OSI, Sera etc) Here are some pics of hongi ive owned over the years....


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Female with mouthfull

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Good luck! thumbup.gif

Cheers andy

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Shape is ok from what I can see. Just appears to be missing barring. Also the sporadic 'orange' is a bit weird.

Yeah. I've had some of those (feeders).


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I have taken some more shots. Still a few questions though if anyone can help me do they breed in a cave or flat rock? They hide all the time and only come out when no one is near the tank is this common are they normally shy like Electric Yellows? Thanks Everyone for your help...

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Also upon some research on him he was in a tank with 4 other hongi he killed one and the others were then harassed so they were moved to another tank.

Hoddz confused.gif

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These fish like a bit of rockwork in their tank and from your photos there doesn't appear to be much in the tank. Is that right?

I would add more rock to the tank and you will find that they will slowly gain confidence and come out more often.

They also gain more confidence in numbers so adding more fish may also help. How many other fish do you have in the tank?

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Hi, Yes dont have any rock work in the tank. Just have a pot and a big cave for them to hide in. The tank is a 2ft x 2ft. There are no other fish in there besides Lil bristlenose fry and some platy fry they are too aggressive towards their own species i have watched to keep more then these two in such a small sized tank. I have 4 other tank setups. one is a fry tank with convict fry,Platy fry,guppy fry,bristlenose fry. the other is a 6fter with a mixed community of red forest jewels, Marbled Peacocks,Kribensis,barbs, Breeding pair of Bristlenose about 4, 6 cm brisltenose, orange top Zebras and algae eaters. the other tank is a 4 fter with tropical setup of platy,guppies,mollies,Kribensis,Breeding pair of B/N , 10 B/N about 5 cm, Trio of Powder blue dwarf gouramis, clown loaches, silver shark. I can work out the rest of the fish but these Hongi have got me stumped. I am not a great fan of rock work in a tank as for i have lost my 5x2x2 in which when this broke it hit my 4fter and smashed that one too cryblow.gif so causing so much damage i stopped keeping fish for 4 years. Now i go with drift wood and artifical logs and pots. I will do a rock setup if i have to but dont know what adhedsive to join the rocks together with for stability as for i dont want the same thing to happen again.. blink.gif


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