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Updated finally ***Gus 4 months***

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sorry ive been slack lately and havent been putting up pics of my pup and showing how he is growing but ive got off my buM and done it

here he is a few months ago

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at 3 months

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and here he is at 4 months these where taken awhile ago and its almost time for the next set

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he has noe got hairy legs and his face is getting shaggy also starting to show more of his mums hair and legs but his dads smarts,nose and looks

he is going to be a BLOODY top dog

cheers jake raisehand.gif

happy JR keeping LOL.gif

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He looks like he'll grow into a big boy! How big do you think he'll get? The brown patches he has, reminds me of 'Scrap' the dog off PlaySchool. Not that I watch the show or anything.. rolleyes.gif

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im thinking about 20-25" his mother is very tall (almost at the hip) but is dad is just above the knee so im thinking in the middle as he has thrown to his mums body shape which would be good as his is going to be fast but still strong

be honest you have taped the past 10 years of it and now spend your days putting them to DVD lol

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im thinking about 20-25" his mother is very tall (almost at the hip) but is dad is just above the knee so im thinking in the middle as he has thrown to his mums body shape which would be good as his is going to be fast but still strong

be honest you have taped the past 10 years of it and now spend your days putting them to DVD lol

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