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Looking for this substrate

Tunnel Rat

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Not too sure when you can find that kind of reddish sand. but that's one FAT endlicheri!!

It could be a mix between some red and brown coloured really fine "gravel/sand". i know a place which stocks sand/fine gravel like so:

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Not too sure when you can find that kind of reddish sand. but that's one FAT endlicheri!!

It could be a mix between some red and brown coloured really fine "gravel/sand". i know a place which stocks sand/fine gravel like so:

That looks nice and fine where can I go and have a close look.

Its for a tank that will hold two Endi's & a fresh water ray so fine is good they say they show good colour on red bigsmile.gif

I have found a nice colour gravel red/brown but not fine is there a way I could crush it woot.gif

thx for the help


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That doesnt look exactly like Garnet sand. But Garnet sand would look similar. You can get it from sandblasters. Might be worth investigating...



Thx Eddie will give it a try on monday.Just to make sure when you say sandblasters you do mean the high pressure sandblasting industrial equipment right.Do you know that it is safe for Aquariums.

Thanks again thumbup.gif


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Yeps, sandblasting supplies places. I wont promise that what you get will be safe... But I get my limestone sand from such places. Obviously I wash it well. Perhaps others will know of another place you can get garnet sand from, but thats just the place that came to my mind. Garnet sand was pretty popular not so long ago, so no doubt there are other sources for it. Its a very fine heavy sand usually reddy, orange couloured. I have not personally used Garnet sand, but I know others have, and I know thats one place you can get it. So in short, I dont know first hand that the Garnet sand you will buy if any will be safe.... dntknw.gif

oh, one other thing. Garnet sand is quite heavy. SO if you are putting in a thick layer, a reinforced tank bottom or well supported tank bottom is reccomended imo...

here is a page that shows you the colour, and has a data sheet on it: garnet and grits

Peoples, are there any other places where one might get Garnet sand???



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Not too sure when you can find that kind of reddish sand. but that's one FAT endlicheri!!

It could be a mix between some red and brown coloured really fine "gravel/sand". i know a place which stocks sand/fine gravel like so:

user posted image

Hey nova where can I have a look at that sandy gravel you have ?

thx mate

Thanks Eddie for your help will let you all now how i go

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