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Male BN - eating his eggs?


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My bristlenose pair breed once every couple of months, however lately their last 3 batches have not hatched, and the eggs just seem to go missing? I think the male might have developed a taste for his own eggs and is eating them? I don't know if anyone has had any experience with male BN eating their own eggs?

Are there any other ideas what could be happening, because nothing in my tank has changed and he has raised babies successfully numerous times in the past. (Tankmates are cardinal tetras, discus, cories and a SAE)

Thanks for any help.

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Could be that the male is booting the eggs out of the cave and the other fish in the tank are eating them. This is pretty common. I have my doubts that the male BN would eat the eggs beacuse they are generally very good parants. The other possibility is that the eggs were not fertile.

I think what probably happened was the eggs got booted, either rejected or from over fanning. Once out of the protection of the cave, the other fish got stuck into them.



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I would say he is kicking them and they are being eaten by tank mates. I don't know why they kick eggs but I have found that changing their diet and sometimes their log will rectify the problem.



Mmmmmmm House Rage LOL.gifLOL.gif

I agree with all comments above - something makes them unhappy enough - from infertile eggs to log size - and they will chuck them out dry.gif


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Sometimes the female will lay eggs which are stuck to a surface in the males cave. This is good as he cannot kick them out.

Other times when the eggs are not stuck down to anything he can accidently boot them out from moving around too much (possible trying to remove invading fish or snail etc in the cave or from over fanning.

I suppose if the eggs are infertile, he would have a good reason for booting them out also.



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Or look to the cories. Adult cories the size of Aeneus or Sterbai will eat every baby BN as they come out of the log. Well they do in my experience and I have bred a lot of catfish.

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