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Hoplo size?


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Hi all, I've had a couple of hoplo's for a while.....and was wondering if someone who keeps them can tell me what size theyll reach as adults?? Google brought up everything from 4.96" to pictures of great man eating beasts.... woot.gif

They have been with juvinile American Cichlids for about a month since being moved from another tank, will they hold their own against adult Green Terrors and Jack's etc?



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They can grow quite large as already stated however they can also remain quite small if put in a too competitive, too overstocked or too small a tank.

This is what happened to some of mine when I placed them into a way overstocked 6x2x2. they never grew bigger than about 4 inches sad.gif



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Thanx for the quick replies smile.gif

They are in a 6x2x2, But are the Two largest fish in there at the moment at about 5" ....so plenty of room but the cichlids and other cats are all juveniles atm....once full grown it will be quite snug in there, are they tough enough for adult Americans?

......i was kinda hoping they would get a bit bigger than 9" ....Fish steroids?? tongue.gif

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Unfortunately I doubt they will get to a size of nine inches.

They are a tough armoured catfish. But I have never kept them with Americans, maybe someone else can assist in this area?


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