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Cleaning filter tubing


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I know I have brought this up before but I would really like to know how often others have to dismantle and clean out the intake / outlet tubing? Does everybody have this or is it selective?

For the first 16 months of my display tank, did not touch them once, then all of a sudden a long, fine light brown bacteria grows so fast I have to clean every ~2 weeks as the flow drops dramatically. (dont think it is algae as it grows in tubing without light)

It seems that my current conditions are exactly what this growth needs so perhaps if I change the water conditions (temp, hardness, salts etc) I might be able to slow it down a little. dntknw.gif

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I've always gotten into the cleaning when the water flow has reduced significantly. On my 2213 with 12-16mm hose that was generally every couple of months, on my 2217 with 16-22mm hose I never had to clean it out after 4 or so years of use.

The smaller filter was on a heavily planted community tank which probably contributed to it getting gunked up quickly, along with the smaller diameter hose.

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