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Identify this Geophagus


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Any geo experts out there that can help me identify this species.

I bought this trio as G. rio areoes but the description in Thomas Weidner's South American Eartheaters book just doesn't match.

Personally I think that these are G argyrostictus (possibly "Aripuana")

Can anybody confirm or advise otherwise?

The male

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One of the girls - left out of the pairing that is going on.

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Both girls

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Another shot of both girls - notice the reduction in barring.

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Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Were Lungy's!

Reading books can be a pain in the butt because it just gets you confused / or in trouble. I bought these from Lungy as rio areoes but the book says that rio areoes have 6 double bars down their sides and that they usually have a double lateral spot on one side.

The description given for G. argyrostictus seems to fit better particularly with the longitudinal stripe and these guys certainly don't have double bars.

I queried the species a bit when I went to pick them up but I still wanted them as I think that they are stunning fish. I'd just like to work out what species they really are for when I get bubs. As I said I'm pretty sure that they are G. argyrostictus but wanted 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions from other eartheater keepers.

Posted the same thread on a couple of overseas forums to have one guy tell me that they were pindare (so I sent him a picture of what my pindare look like - not like these dudes) another tell me that they were exactly the same as his surinamensis (he provided photo - which had so much more red through the fins and body and is also deeper bodied) and one other guy tell me that they are definately G. argyrostictus.

Just thought I'd post here as well to check with any Aussie Eartheater keepers.

I'm also interested in finding out just what else is available as I luv this guys. Reckon that they are great fish and I'd like to add to my collection.

My intention is certainly not to peev Lungy off - he's got some really excellent fish. I just want to clear things up for myself.


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hey i agree they dont look like G. rio areoes. i had a look through my south american eartheaters book aswell and i rekon there G. argyrostictus "Aripuana" as u said.

try this site its run by eartheater nuts and they are very knowledgable in this area.



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Lungy purchased the aereos off me!

Unless he was stupid and gave you the others, it may be dicrozoster or abalios?

Bahai reds they certainly arnt! rolleyes.gif

If there is alot of blue in them, they may be the aereos?

Send pics to Jeff Rapps to confirm! thumb.gif

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Lungy had 5 abalios that I missed out on - somebody else had enquired first. I was a bit disappointed as I was looking forward to taking home both groups.

These were what he had as areoes but when I read the description in Sth Am. Eartheaters it tells me that they have 6 double bars and that they often have two lateral spots on one side. The stripe under the eye also seems to follow the general line of the eye. Also areoes have more colour in the fins particularly the caudal.

These guys have the lachrymal stripe extending towards the corner of the mouth. I think 6 lateral bars and as can be seen they also at times display the horizontal bar from the eye back to the lateral spot which seems to be a characteristic of the argyrostictus. The tail is a faint red with light blue spots that pale towards the outer edges.

Keleher and Sooty - thanks for the advice and the link. The feedback is much appreciated guys!

I'm happy to keep the discussion going as I get to learn along the way.

Also keen to buy other geos to add to the collection. Let me know what's out there smile.gif


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