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I am setting up a 6x2x2 in the near future and I am planning to set it up as a tang tank. I am planning;

~10 C. Foai "Karilani Copper"

~4 Goby cichlids (don't care about variety)

The tank will have a sand substrate and a rock formation in the centre. Does this sound ok?


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Sounds pretty good. The only issue I see that may arise is the single rock pile for the gobies. With only one territory and potentially more than one pair, there may be some issues. Interspecies agression is something gobies are renowned for. By the same token, there is no saying two rock piles at opposite ends would be enough either. Its common to have to remove excess gobies, or lose them to the territory owner. Either way, be prepared to end up with just two gobies... I dont know of anyone who has mixed these two species, but gobies generally leave other species alone, as do foai...

Some manage to keep more than one pair of gobies in the one tank. Maybe they can share their setup ideas and theories... dntknw.gif



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Unlikely. I assume you mean by picking out 2 from a group. In which case assuming they are the same age, you would pick the largest and the smallest. But as with all monomorphic species its reccomended to get a few and let them choose and pair off on their own. Coz there are no guarantees until they have bred, and not just any male and female will readily shack up... A group allows the initial agression and sorting of hierachies and mates to be spread out. With just two, this 'testing' can be fatal for the female. Well, thats my personal theory anyway.

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Ok, so if I skip the gobies, what would be another intresting fish to keep with Foai that aren't territorial and are pretty and not so readily available?


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Whew.... tough question. I am not trying to put you off gobies... I love them! wub.gif . They are totally unique, pretty, and definantly not so common. Nor is there any guarantee you will have any of these issues. They are just my personal experience. I am a bit stumped to come up with anything that might compare to them in this regard. I need some help.... yes.gif . I guess you kinda want a rock dweller of some sort? Maybe some of the rarer localities of Julidochromis, or the less common Altos varieties? or some Telmatochromis vittatus or bifrenatus? I'm running out of foai compatable ideas.... blink.gif ..... I still think the gobies are a pretty good idea, even though I have never mixed those two species thumb.gif ...

I am sure some people will be around later today who will have valuable advice and experience to share. Variety of opinion is good...



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Hmmm...... not sure.... I've only ever kept spilopterus. They spend a lot of time in the open water, or sifting the sand. When they breed they stick to the rocks, and chase most anything away. Dont know how they would go with pit spawners. They couldnt do much damage if they wanted to anyway. They love to sneak in and steal fry from my julies and lepidio's. You gave me an idea though. Paracyprichromis nigripinnis... very chilled and spend lots of time hanging around nice high rockwork. They would stay away from the foai.

I am wondering what others keep with their featherfins...



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That's true. Although I read that Nigripinnis are a deep water cave fish and don't appreciate the bright aquarium lights. Also I don't know where to get hold of them without paying with an arm and a leg.


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foai are pretty placid to other fish so no drasmas there but more than 2 males and there will be lots of fighting, they will have to be removed.

gobies are cranky sods, and only a pair will be good once they sort themselves out. i had gobies in with my foai they chased the foai around but nothing too bad

gobies and sand sifters xenos etc are a no go i had a goby pretty much kill a few flavipinnis, they just like to really harras them.

currently i have 5 foai and a 3 duboisi in together in a 6x2x2 and that is cranky enough, (i have too many male foai 5m, 2f) but xenos go great with them

leptos do not the foai are too busy

nigs are even more timid

a rock dweller like leleupi, regani, attenuatus etc will be ok

hope that helps

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Yeah it does, basically don't keep them with a boisterous species. What are some rarer rock dwellers that are available for sale?


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Bruce, I metioned a less common few rock dwellers above. I dont know if Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus are rare as such. But you dont see them around up here very often. If you wanted some of those and cant find any, let me know. I have half a dozen juvies left between 5-7cm you can have. You would have to pay for shipping tho. There is also Chalinochromis which you dont see much, but are around.

You could subscribe to the classifieds and keep an eye out, or check the breeders register too....




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Have no idea how much shipping is. I havent done it in years. But I just found this post. So around $60-70 I guess.

I would be happy to let you have them at little or no cost. Just the shipping, and maybe $10-$15 for a box, bags and fuel. I would much rather someone who is after them have them than just take em to the fish shop. I searched far and wide to get them, so it makes sense to me to make them available to others too. I just checked, and there is actually 8 in there. Looks like 3 males, but hard to be sure with them. You probably dont want all 8 in one tank, but maybe you could share the costs with a fellow sydney member who wants some too?........

Anyways, send me a pm if you are still keen, and I will give you my number/email and organse a time frame and stuff.



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Guest j.c fishfan

will they go in with malawis???

my fish

6x2x2-1m 6 bar frontosa,1f 6 bar frontosa,2m blue dolphins,1m aulonocara maylandi,1m placidichromis electra,1m fuelleborni,1f fuelleborni, 1m electric yellow,1 female electric yellow,5 common bristlenose,1m melanchromis auratus,2f melanchromis auratus,3 copadichromis red kadango

i would have them in tang conditions


jamie smile.gif

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foai and boistrous are not to bad they can take a few hits and not be that worried if they have too they can dish it back.

personally i would go with the foai, a few xenos if you can find any, and a pair of rock dwellers the attenuatus i personnaly like they have heaps of character and nice markings., maybe some leptos or nigripinnis, but if you wanted some leptos etc they probably wont breed because the foai are way to active, i did have some breed a few times but it was pretty rare.

i also have an occy in with my foai as well the foai could inhale him anytime but usually they just fight over who gets the sand, the occy actually has his shell burried in the bank of the sand nest, its all good until the foai wants to breed and gets ansy, the occy has a holiday house in the middle, but there is no sand for him there....

As for the tank i have it divided into three with rock piles, i leave about 18inches each end for the foai to have their nests. In the middle i have two rock piles with a small 12inch gap between them in the middle, one rock pile is in front of the other sort of.

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That sounds like a plan (foai, xenos and Lepidiolamprologus). They are all beautiful fish and even better because they are rare. If anyone can hold of any of these fish for me PM me. I already have the Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus 99% sorted. Will the foai leave enough sand for the Xeno's? Could I put my 6 multies in there aswell? Could you post some pics of your tank trofius? In your photobucket album these is fish but no whole tank shot. Have your Xeno's or Enan's spawned yet?


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I probably won't add the multies. I have them in a 2 footer as a colony. It was just a thought but as I think about it I want them in the 2 footer by themselves so they can breed. I PM'd you back wink2.gif


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the flavs and the melanos are still too young but maybe within a few months, I have had these fish prviously and the spawned, my 6 new flavs are in a 6x18x18 with 20 lepto malasa and 3 caudopunctatus.

A tank pic i will see what i can do.

caudos are a pretty shell dweller i would go these instead of multies or find some speceosis?

the foai will leave enough sand, for xenos, if not add more sand you will work out a balance, i have maybe 1.5cm of sand in the tank if its all spread out, so not that much.

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I probably won't add shellies. I once read that foai/furcifer will keep taking all the sand and in one instance someone kept adding sand so one half on the tank wasn't bare but the furcifer kept using the sand until his pit was an inch from the surface of the water.


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