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Moving Lionheads


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I currently have about 6 Lionheads in 5ftr with some Ps Kingsizei, 2 have paired up and are currently guarding some eggs in a shell in 1 corner.

My concern is that the lionhead fry will have no chance of survival.

I was thinking of moving all the lionheads t a 4ftr with some bristlenose that are also breeding.

Is it possible to move the adults & eggs & will this affect the paired up lionheads.

Any advice would be appreciated

Thank's Dave

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Hi Dave,

There is always going to be a risk invloved when trying to move adults and eggs not so much of a risk to the adults but the risk is whether the adults will continue looking after the the eggs once moved?

I don't think anyone can answer it with any degree of certainty, even if they don't continue looking after this lot of eggs it shouldn't be too long before they have a new batch on the go.

They say that once a pair has bonded it is quite a strong bond, so with luck you shouldn't have any problem moving them, having said that I'm sure you will know nothing is a certainty in fish keeping.

There is of course a simpler answer to the problem, just move the kingsizei instead.

Keep us informed on what you decide and how it all works out.



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Hi Craig

I also have a colony of A mamalela in there & I don't have enough space to relocate both the kingsizei & the mamalela, also the kingsizei have just started to breed regularly & I don't want to upset them.

Do you think the Lionheads will be alright with the bristlenose ?


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Hi Dave,

The only issue may be that both will compete for the same caves to spawn in, the BN may also munch on the eggs of the lionheads if they weasle their way into the cave.

If you provide plenty of caves there shouldn't be any problems.

There is that word again, "Shouldn't" maybe we shouldn't use it anymore. LOL.gif



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