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Plec Food


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Hi All,

I've been feeding all of my plecs combinations of sprulina/algae chips (that I buy in bulk at $10 per kg), zucchini when in season, and live black/blood worms.

Problem is, zucchini isnt always available and I like having a high protien "fast food" algae chips for them as their staple diet. The ones I've been using have been fantastic however they are 1/2 cm diameter - and now that some of the commons are getting much much bigger its rather inconvenient for them to munch on (its rather amusing seeing them put an entire one in their mouth and then rolling around trying to suck on it!). I'd like to get something bigger however the ones I find in aquarium shops whilst being a decent size are hellishly expensive. Anybody know either where to source them at a somewhat decent price - or have any alternatives?

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i use wardley premium algae discs, AOA has them at very good price and Ben is a great guy to deal with, fast and great service. Highly recomended im sure by everyone who has dealt with him.

but all decent brand wafers should be fine, depending on the type of plec supplement occasionly with bloodworms, some sort of 'meaty' pellets. what your doing now is fine.



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also forgot to add, heard some good things about sera woodchips, and most of my friends exclusively feed and swear by Hikari algae wafers.

They are both slightly more expensive but with very similar ingredients (except sera with traces of wood! fancy). Im sure they are all sufficient as long as they are produced by a reputable company.

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