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7 Bar fronnie with pimple


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One of my 7 bar fronnies has what looks like a pimple. He had a bit of a blue with one of the others and a scale was ripped off. He was fine and now he has like a red ring with like a pimple coming out. He is acting normal, but just thought I should ask about it. See if I should do something

Cheers Paul

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Hey mate,

I had this happen not too long ago myself and asked about it myself. What i done was i dosed the tank with melafix and pimafix at the same time and then it just went away by itself. Make sure you do not go heavy on the medication but. If all that is done and you have good water parametres all should be good. Well it was for me.



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i had this on a texas cichlid and melafix fixed it up, do a search for melafix on this forum and make your own from tea tree oil which can be bought from chemists and health food shops (i presume you have these in mackay!!!!) this "alternafix" works a treat and costs a couple of dollars to make gallons of the stuff

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if you go the "Alternafix" route, make sure it's pure tea tree oil - a lot of brands have "General purpose hydrocarbon" in them which might not be a hot thing to put in with your fish!

I use Thursday Plantation brand, available from woolies. a $6 25ml bottle makes up about 3l of it, which I think would cost you over $50 genuine

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Thanks for that guys. I will try it. I like finding out cheap alternatives to the top brands. As my tank collection grows cost go up to. I have 70 tanks ATM and looking at getting alot more.

Cheers for the help.


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