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Death by Dying


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Note - this is not my site - I only found it today - just thought it had some merit... You'd have to email them to find out what they do with $$$ received as donations.

As far as action goes, it is more of a passive action from the look of it with a bit of reverse psychology thrown in for good measure. It is something I have raised some years ago when discussing an LFS code of conduct/ethics. Reward the good ones and forget the rest. Help to promote the ones that comply with the LFS code that aquarist come up with, develop a plaque or something that they can hang in their shop that says they have met the standards of the code and promote them on the internet and other print media like newspapers and magazines or even television (by enabling some stores to sponsor advertisements etc). The ripple down effect would be enormous because without a demand for these fish they would not be produced as their creators are financially motivated and will move on to new markets once these ones have dried up. It could be applied to hybrids like flowerhorns, dyed fish, and selling deformed fish etc. The Aussie equivalent could be made easily and with support of places like ACE it could easily snowball.

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Obviously I think it's a great thing he's doing, and will try and have a good read when I have more time, but just breezing through the list, he states that coloured Betta splendens are colour injected....


I hope he isn't referring to ALL fighters blink.gif

The way it reads, he is no.gif

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Yeah - it's more a concept I was trying to raise...

Looking at the list, I don't think he is saying that all coloured betta are injected, but can see how it could be interpretted that way. Maybe we should drop him/her a line to let him/her know he/she is coming across as being quite ambiguous and in doing so is losing credibility... My interpretation of that was that there are some betta (like white betta - a blank canvas on which to 'paint') that are coloured - I don't see the point when there are so many naturally occuring colours to choose from but hey, I wouldn't think to cross a red devil with a severum either!!! Obviously if you were to try and do something similar you would have to try and remain rational and avoid the temptation to be emotive rather than factual.

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I have a feeling the concept of coloured fish is not as big a problem in Australia as it is in other countries too - never know how the worm turns though so maybe it would be good to look at these things now. I know Dave (YeW) was on the dyed fish campaign trail some time ago and is something he feels strongly about too. The fact of the matter is that most people who buy these things don't even know they have been tampered with. I'd like to tell you about a point in case:

I have a band of about 7-8 kids a the school I work at who are dead-keen fish keepers. They are in my lab every lunch time looking at my tanks and picking my brains about how things work and what different fish are like and I have them building a new tank atm so we can import angels for them to look after (the tank is 3ft long, bit over 1ft wide and about 3ft deep - will be cool for angels). They know nothing about it though and the other day one of them comes up to me and says Sir I'm going to import some parrot cichlids because they look cool and come in all sorts of different colours. My response to him was that if he did I'd hunt them down and introduce them to my pet grouper I have in my marine tank in my lab!!! On telling him what they really were and how they got all those different colours he is now dead against it but none of them knew anything about them. You might say well yeah, but that's Norfolk Island and you'd expect them to know nothing about it, but I bet if you were to survey kids and adults in Australia on the very same issue they wouldn't have the foggiest idea, and I bet if you told them how it was all done they too would support a boycott of these 'products'.

So like I said, the point of posting it here is just to 'float' a concept. Please don't interpret it as me endorsing the actual website because that's not the point...

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Thanks for posting that site up Simon, fish dyeing is something very close to my heart and something that I have been fighting against for some years now.

At one point some years ago I put together a short brochure about the procedure, the types of fish and the outcomes for the fish to be distributed at a couple of my LFS that were against dyeing - to try and educate the community

One LFS was particularily involved and even contacted other fish shops across Sydney to try and convince them.

I've also kept a record over the years of where in Sydney I have seen dyed fish and tried to find out who supplied them.

I think what you are doing at your school is great, educating the next generation is the best way to bring about change in my opinion!

What do other people think?

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I thought on the old front page there was something about colouring and hybrids - and one of the conditions of sponsoring this site was a stance to not have those fish in store.

Is this still the case or am I imaganing things?


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