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Anyone interested in some Pelvicachromis


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I am tossing up whether to let some of my pelvicachromis go to the shops but Id much rather they went to someone who could give them the care they deserve. I havent got the time to look after them properly at the moment. I have 2 female taeniatus Nigerian Red females (german parents, my only 2 fry i raised) You can pick up males easy enough thru bayfish at the moment. And a male and female subocellatus "matad which have bred before but not since ive aquired them. I really love these fish but i dont think the conditions they are putting up with are good enough.

If you are interested please let me know by PM. Remember these are not hardwater fish even if they may be able to survive in it. Ged i know a long time ago you were were interested in the Reds, if you still are you have preference.


Ps. Where did the dwarf forum go?

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the forum was removed, I think to try & get more exposure for dwarf cichlids rather than hide them away in a little box all to themselves.

there's now a posticon to label dwarf topics - see the green thingo I've added to my post?

There were a few threads complaining & arguing about the decision, perhaps do a search - I couldn't find the thread on the first 3 pages.

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Beside from all the dwarf forum problems/arguements/fun is anyone interested in my fish?


Adam, why don't you put this post in the classifieds section? Might get better results.


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Thanks for the Pelvicachromis. thumbup.gif

The P. subocellatus "Matadi" female and the two P. taeniatus "Nigerian Red" females have settled into their respective tanks. The Matadi is displaying to her own refelection. laugh.gif Now I will need to locate some males.

You have a great setup and I think Baz would be proud of your use of a "Baz Rack" clap.gif

I'll have to catch up with you next time I am down.

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Well... I don't want this to read the wrong way - but it might anyway. dntknw.gif

Unfortunately the days of dwarfs on ACE are in serious trouble. The experts have found an alternate platform.

It was said that it would happen and it has.

In terms of ACE obviously the affect will be marginal as they are an extreme fish - in terms of few keen hobbyists - and maybe as they are more popular with keepers of non-africans if you know what I mean, it is for the best.

This is not an attack on the mods - my respect to all who give there time to keep this board up and running - and there was a serious attempt to plactate the dwarfers.

And I hope I am wrong and the experts are still around. I know Simon is here raisehand.gif and he knows more than almost anyone in OZ. But the rest Just have a look at how bust the alternate board is shock.gif

Please reinstate the dwarf board and bring back the lost sheep (or fish).


(Yes I know I renounced all things dwarf lately - but still would have bought some boreli on the weekend if the LFS had a pair instead of two males. Just would have had to happen than explain to Mrs. Gingerbeer later).

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