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I would like to know if anyone could help me with there experiences with breeding Fronnies. I got 5 large 7 bars in 7ft tank. 1M/4F or 2M/3F not 100% sure. And 5 Blue Zaire (Moba) 1M/5F. I think the mobas are just breeding size and age.

Basiclly keep both tanks just over 8 ph, to hard to get higher.

Hardness about 550-600ppm. So nice and hare and high ph.

Lots of rockwork.

Both tanks got UV's

Both got fluidized bed filters.

Both got 2x2500L/h aquaone canisters.

About quarter waterchangeevery week.

Nitrites and amonia 0.

Good water.

Do I need to put big terra-cotta pot caves in or something.

Any advice Is much appreciated.

Cheers Paul thumbup.gif

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Have a bit of a read in frontosa fanatics at cichlid forum or frontosa.com that should help you out a bit .I'm waiting on mine to breed too everything that your doing sounds allright to me i think id give the terra cotta pots a miss though. The only other suggestion i have is have you vented these guys yet? Just my point of view


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The 7bars are about 3 1/2 years I think. Bought them off con Male is probably 30 cm females between 20-25 cm. The mobas are about 15-20 cm. Wild caught, probably 2 years. Would just be reaching maturity now.

Cheers Paul thumbup.gif

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I have 2m/4f Burundi's with nought but a terracotta pot and a couple of lengths of 4" PVC, they breed like clockwork, each female every 6 weeks or so, water changes (1/3 to 1/2 per week) regular brine shrimp, water parems similar to you'res

Cheers Graham

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The 7 bars have been in there about 6 weeks. The Mobas have been in there about 8 weeks but in annother tank for about 3 months before that.

Still interested in peoples breeding stories.

Also one more question. Anyone feed there fish prawns. My Froonies Love them. I take the shells off and feed them the meaty part. Any one heard good or bad things about using them. I can get heaps for nothing hear so might be good food,

Cheers Paul.

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ahhh i was wrong about the terracotta something ive goten used to being in this hobby the pvc pipe im thumbup.gif but if you have big enough caves with your rocks i don't see the need for pvc or terracotta just be patient and when you lest expect it it will happen thats somthing ive learnt breeding cichlids anyway hope they get started for you mate

cheers Lee

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