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I have had the same two BN catfish for five years. They grow slowly..I have noticed...but is this normal???

I saw one that was nearly 20cm long and asked the shop how old that was, and they said 3 years old.

Mine are five years old (that is how long I have had them for) and they are only 6 cm long.

They have grown from when I bought them 5 years ago, they were 3 cm then, I thought they would get eaten.

Just wondering what is the go with them??

The tank is standard 4ft. Stocked with about 20 Malawi Cichlids. I do no think that its that overcrowded in there. The tank looks bare.


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I retire my breeding bristle nose after their forth year. Most males are in the 7 to 8 inch range TL by then and too big and stroppy to be of use as breeders. I can only think your fish are not getting enough to eat to stunt them like that.


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To be honest, i thought they just ate the stuff off the bottom and the alge and stuff hanging around the rockery.

I have never seen them even go for the food in the tank, even it it has fallen right in front of them.

What would you suggest I do? Put them in a separate tank and feed them specific food?


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Leave them where they are and start feeding the poor things. Depending on how many are in the tank at lease drop one or two Spirulina Wafers in the tank at lights out or better still some zuccini.

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Zuccini? Cool, what properties does it have for them?

Lights out, so the other fish don't see it happening? Should I wait an hour or so after lights out, so atleast the fish are asleep and the BN are out to play?


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Zuccini? Cool, what properties does it have for them?

Just nutrition; and they love it. I've also found cucumber works. Blanch, or microwave it with some water first so it sinks.

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I'll try both types, a few days apart from each other. We'll see how we go.

Thanking you very much for the info, I never had any idea that they should be fed separately as I always assumed that they just eat the rubbish off the bottom.

Should the Cucumber or Zuccini be sliced or what?

Email me on bikiesATswiftdsl.com.au as I having been having issues with the admins and they could cancel my account.



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Don't feel too bad smile.gif .

From what I have experienced there are a large number of fishkeepers who do the same thing, buying bristlies to keep their tanks clear and are under the misconception that this is sufficient nutrition for them.

I have only recently replied to exactly this, in another post on this topic.

There are also alot of stunted bristlies in the market due to lack of initial growing space so that when they are sold at 3-5 cm they are already quite old. There is no way of telling most of the time although males sporting any bristles at this size is usually a dead giveaway.

Most of the time with proper care, tank space and feeding, some of the original size intended will occur.

Cheers smile.gifsmile.gif

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