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Experienced fish packers


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Hey all i am requireing the assistance of some one experienced to either take delivery of, or pick up 30, 2-3cm tropheus for me .

I will also need you to lovingly bag and organise for these fish to be transported to Rockhampton either this week, or after easter.

I have a few people that i would prefer do this, ( The supplier may also have a preference), but will see if they are intereted by replying here first. Once decided we can talk, chat, whatever, and will arrange the finer details.....

Thanks heaps thumbup.gif


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so none of the tropheus nuts can help me out?

The fish are 30 2-3cm ilangi from Jim if that helps people with the location, and the other party...

there will be a cash incentive.......but didnt think i needed to mention it.

i know it can be an buM of a job but i really want these fish. and would really like a hand.....

30 fish

one box

6 decent bags, or 10 smaller bags...

maybe cost you, $5! i am going to pay for everything,

frieght is $45+$2.80/kg so maybe $70 but thats my cost, and you will be payed in advanced... dntknw.gif

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i shipped some tropheus to Andrea in Perth and found that Auburn aquariums were very professional in packing the fish. It however cost me $25 for 20 fish.

I recently shipped 16 juvenile tropheus to Queensland via AAE. Nigel was kind enough to help me pack the fish. It was done obviously very professionally! Only problem was that when the package arrived in Brisbane, the guys in AAE didn't know it had arrived since it was under some mail and there was a 3 hour delay until it arrived in its final destination in Gladstone. I had to literally call them to locate the parcel!

I thought Jim was able to help u pack the fish?

I would offer but i am in Wollongong at the moment.

Hope u find someone soon!

Come on guys, help out a fellow tropheus nut! thumb.gif


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The first thing I would say is to use Virgin not AAE...Virgin are helpful and professional in all the dealings I have had with them ...unlike AAE.

Virgin has a base charge of about $25 ?? also

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Thanks Dave,

Thats one of the three i was hoping on, down.....

Jim is also busy with work and, as far as i know has allways stated, that he will not ship....i can appreciate, and respect this. BUT i really want these fishes!

I have personally never had a drama with AAE, i get there they know why i am there and i get taken out the back in the shed, i see them come off the plane, and onto a trolly and then into my car! I am not sure if virgin deliver fish to Rockhampton.....and it would be as cargo on a passenger jet, and not a freight depot type of thing , so i would have to wait and get them off the luggage carousel! not that keen.

well tommorrow is friday, and the last day of this week, next week i am on lates, so wont be able to get them when they arrive in the afternoon, so will have to wait another few weeks,,....fingers crossed that HE will hold them for me, dont want to have to stuff him around......its might be pm time.....

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smile.gif Thanks for the PM -

Just for everyone's info up until about six weeks ago anyone could walk in off the street and freight with Virgin - this is now no longer the case and you require an account. I will continue to ship with them as they are miles ahead in service compared to the other mob. I will only deal with the others if the buyer requests specifically thumb.gif


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I have personally never had a drama with AAE

Mick. Working in the Taringa Lab, i'm pretty sure they use AAE and we are always waiting on work or they are looking for our work. If that's how they deal with biologicals i'd be worried about fish !


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HEy Mitch

yep i heard about some of the dramas they give you guys in Brisbane

up in in the stix, lol the curiors drop of the eskies twice a day i am unaware of any dramas at our end...i guess it must be that in rocky its a bit more laid back, adn not quite as hectic i would imagine.

Aline we will have to have a chat clap.gifthumbup.gif

thanks heaps mick.

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