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Hard green algae


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I have had this hard green algae on the glass and plants for about 6-8 months since I imported it from plant I bought though I don't think the guy I got the plants from knew there was an issue (low light and unfertilised).

It has really started to cover some anubias and it seems to be affecting the stems of some red lotus plants which is why I want to try another option.

So, who recommends what for trying to eliminate/control hard green algae on plants in terms of chemicals as I have tried a bunch of other options? There are some platys, corys and a few peppermint bn in there as well.



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Glad to see someone keeping up with the times and actually suggesting adding phosphate (Potassium phosphate would be good) instead of REMOVING PO4..... Too often people still quote the myth that we cannot have phosphates in planted tanks and do all in their power to remove the phospahte completely. We actually do need some amount of supplemental phosphate in order to prevent this green spot algae (especially on slow growing plants like anubias).

Seems that u may also have too much silicates in the tank... seems to create this hard green spot algae. What sort of gravel substrate are u using?

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Also, what fertiliser are you using? Is your tank heavily planted? Co2? I had a similar problem when first setting my tank up with plants, I increased the plant load (I was using under substrate fertiliser) which helped dramatically as phosphates etc were being used up whereas previously they were in excess to the plant population requirements.

I don't know if I'm making any sense here but it certaintly worked for me LOL.gif

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Thanks for the replies so far.

Just have run of the mill fine gravel (the multi coloured/toned stuff that is everywhere).

There is no special substrate for the plants. Not so much a planted tank as a fish tank with plants in it.



Oh and just using an all purpose seachem fertiliser (dont have the bottle with me). No CO2.

What is the best source of potassium phosphate?

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