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Love the saulosi male he is gorgeous. Do you have females for him. He would be a good line to breed with some nice lasses. Very very nice chilumba to. I would like to get some tropheops. I think they are lovely especially the chilumba variant.



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Hi Camo

I have a couple of girls in with him, 1 is currently holding.

Chilumba male looks alot more colourful in full breeding dress.

If any one has any comments on what makes a good male saulosi I would be interested to hear.


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Hey dave

Well my opinion on what makes a good male is a perfect example in your picture mate thats a perfect male. I have similar males that will be that colour when older. They are at 4.5cm and showing great colour.



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thanks Dave

im looking to upgrade my camera and the more simplified and easier to use the more it appeals lol, hmm i might see if i can pick up some tropheops at the VCS auction in 8 days



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