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online fish image gallery/guide?


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a friend of mine wants to set up an aquarium for the first time but she cannot decide what type of fish she wants. i told her i wold send some pictures to her but there are too many varieties to choose from. so i am looking for an online picture guide to fresh water tropical fish to email her. does anyone know of somewhere she can brwose though images to choose what type of fish she likes???

thanks very much!



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Hey Matt,

Fishbase is great but may be a little daunting for her, why dont you take a visit to the local library and get a book, perhaps axelrods atlas or cichlid lexicon (I know it is archaic but books are still there for a reason).

Alternatively, take her to the LFS and have a browse blink.gifLOL.gif , I always enjoy the experience. Fish shops also have access to books the librarys don't and are usually happy to show you if you express an interest in their fish (they are mainly just fish nuts like you and me)

Let us know how it goes


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