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L#? for the royal panaque

cichlid silly

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um where to start ! ive noticed alot of royals sold around the traps for a while and keep wondering to myself why all the suppliers /smuggilers or whoever they are !!!! keep selling them as L27B which inturn is not the fish atall?nor look anything like 1 ? so i guess im telling any1 that is buying any of these fish you will most probably end up with a L190 variant as these are a great fish also ! but why cant we keep the right L# with the species????????

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um where to start ! ive noticed alot of royals sold around the traps for a while and keep wondering to myself why all the suppliers /smuggilers or whoever they are !!!! keep selling them as L27B which inturn is not the fish atall?nor look anything like 1 ? so i guess im telling any1 that is buying any of these fish you will most probably end up with a L190 variant as these are a great fish also ! but why cant we keep the right L# with the species????????

L27a/b/c is the correct L number for a Royal Panaque, L190, L191, LDA63 and LDA65 are similar varients.

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hmmm nope ! actualy L190 is the origional royal L# but thats not what im getting at ?im well aware of the diff L# for royals but i dont call my L191 a L27c now would i for example.and i dont call my l190 A L27B , as a royal collector i guess im sick of the uneducated L# given to the wrong 1.

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hmmm nope ! actualy L190 is the origional royal L#  but thats not what im getting at ?im well aware of the diff L# for royals but i dont call my L191 a L27c now would i for example.and i dont call my l190 A L27B ,  as a royal collector i guess im sick of the uneducated L# given to the wrong 1.

Errrrr nope ... sorry but your wrong I think you have described species and L numbers mixed up.

L27b is the original sp now subsequently described as Panaque nigrolineatus and was the varient at transfish that was imported from Brazil and used and given the L27 number a full 3 years before L190 in the January 1994 issue of Datz. The L190 varient is from Venezuela and was not imported to germany until much later. The Venezuela fish was the cf. origionaly described by Peters in 1877 but this was not the first Royal Panaque L number.

As to your actual question ... like many of the Geophragus sp. not many people can tell the difference between any of the Panaques only people who are very knoweldgable can spot them on sight and to many dealers a Royal is a Royal considering how rare a Royal is here they figure beggars can't be chosers.

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To slightly add to that, the importers are not neccessarily experts in identification. They might not be able to positively i.d a fish, and with L numbers and the minor differences you can see how they get them mixed up every so often.

e.g A gold nugget is a gold nugget regardless if its an L018 or L081, and as said before beggars cant be choosers.

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umm taksan where are you getting your info from m8 that is the first time ive ever heard of this ?ive always read that L190 is the original panaque nigrolineatus which also come from venezuela,guarico.rio portuguesa drainage ,lianos river . the colombian royal is just 1 most popular variety in the hobby!

umm where have i mixed up the L#

maybe your not reading the post right ?

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umm taksan where are you getting your info from m8 that is the first time ive ever heard of this ?ive always read that L190 is the original panaque nigrolineatus which also come from venezuela,guarico.rio portuguesa drainage ,lianos river . the colombian royal is just 1 most popular variety in the hobby!

umm where have i mixed up the L#

maybe your not reading the post right ?

The L190 was the first cf. of Panaque nigrolineatus described but the first Panaque nigrolineatus L number issed was L27. You said L190 was the original L number P.nigrolineatus which is not the case. I think you are confusing L numbers with described species. L numbers are issued by Datz and transfish not by scientests.

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I guess what should be pointed out is that a majority of Royal Panaques traded internationally are actually L190 and L191. There are more regular fish exports from Columbia than there are from Brazil (with all the red tape of exporting from Brazil going on now in the name of conservation).

While getting the L27a&b are not impossible, this is rather rare... and more expensive if they are what they are. The chances of the REAL L27 in Aust is of course less than the L190/L191.

L27c is in high demand internationally. Usually available in rather large sizes, so chances of them showing up in Aust are even slimmer.

I guess it's a buyer beware scenario when u are offered any Royal Panaque in Aust. If you are particular about the location and variant you are wanting to get, do your homework. Don't trust the vendor ('cos he's probably more clueless than you are!).

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This is a paragraph removed from planet catfish,


These fish are imported in all sizes and in a number of colour forms. Interestingly the colour of the eye varies from bright orange to dull red. Although described from Venezuelan material, the colour forms that have given rise to L027 are from different locations such as the Rio Tocantins, Xingú and Tapajos, Brazil. It appears that the juveniles of Brazilian populations have solid or plain as opposed to barred caudal fin rays. So, a juvenile with barred caudal fin rays is from Colombian or Venezuelan stock.

I don't think you have understood what cichlidsilly was saying, From what i have read he is saying that the Panaque nigrolineatus, L190, was the first "Panaque" of the group!

L27 is a large Panaque species of the P. nigrolineatus group (the true P.Nigrolineatus was described from venezuela) from populations distinguishable on the basis of colouration in various river systems in brazil. The form from the Rio Tocantins was assigned to L27 in DATZ. Juveniles of this form exhibit a uniform dark caudal fin, unlike the forms from the Rio Xingu and the Maranhao, also designated as L27 in the 1994 catalogue of Transfish.

The L# 190 was initially (DATZ12/94) allocated to a plec which subsequently received the # L195.

To the best of my knowledge P.Nigrolineatus was the first royal and the L190 has been identified as the same!

My two cents!


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I think that people that are selling royals and don't know where they came from shouldn't put a number them at all.

I wish that anyone selling a "ROYAL" would simply sell them as a royal and post a pic with it!!

Too many people out there know less then what they think they do!!!!!!


P.S Taksn weren't you a member of the DRUMPAK forum awhile ago???

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weren't you a member of the DRUMPAK forum awhile ago

Hasn't everyone been a memeber of Drumpak a sometime, well at lest until the regular drama breaks out..


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