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highs and lows


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here we go again, firstly one of my p. elongatus spot had her first mouthfull last week and this weekend she decided to swallow the lot , as if this wasnt bad enough one of my large female fronties which ive had for about 2 years (grown up from fry) decided to commit hari kari on the floor,for no apparent reason she just busted through the cover glass.but what goes around comes around as they say ,got home from work today and my festae after a year of false starts are guarding a large sandstone rock with 20 million eggs on it (well about 2hundred) fingers are well and truly crossed!

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got home from work and hooray shes guarding a blob of wrigglers, shes taken over half the 6x2x2 but will tolerate the male coming over for a look,the big question now is to separate the fry or leave them with her,festae having proven quite hard to breed(maybe others have found it easy ) for the time being ill keep watching but im tempted to take out half the fry and leave some with her,any thoughts or comments?

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i would take some out. take some now, and if they go well you are laughing. if not, take some more out in a week or two if the parents are still minding them. if they are typical of americans they will have a spawn big enough that you can easily take out a whole heap and still have too many. nothing to lose by taking some out. just use a siphon and do it fast to cause minimal distruption to the mum.

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in the 6x2x2 is a male festae about 20cm and 2 dominant females these seem to lay eggs alternately also have a subdominant fish that i suspect is a male as it hasnt tried to get in on the action with a red devil female to keep them company(was put in as a target fish to curb the festaes aggression) i now think its best to keep the big ca's in groups as the males to want to spawn all the time and with 2 females one is always ready whereas when i put 2 in a tank after spawning the male smashed the female and i was lucky to get her out alive but after 3 months in the new tank there seems to be domestic bliss with no injuries at all

gav, i took some out and put them in the fry tank and she got pretty angry and picked up the rest and hid them under a rock!

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That's an interesting observation, I didn't think the male would spawn with two females whilst his original girl was still around?

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