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Yes i have finally decided to go for these nice fish and give the Americans a break for a bit, now i have a spare 4x2x2 now the questions i want to ask are, Gravel or no gravel? i have two smallish rock formations on either side of the tank and leaving the middle free, this good? how much filtration do i need? more than normal? what do you normally check for ?ph??gh kh etc?

any ideas would be great

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gs, I'm very happy you are cleaning you tank out for the tropheus.

Your heckelli are looking great in my tank and eating like piraña, didn't you ever feed them! smile.gif

I hope the tropheus work out. I'd like them myself except my wife has limited me to 3 tanks and I had to empty the bathtub.

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HOB - hang on back filter like an aquaclear! U can probably be ok with one canister filter but will u risk that on your tropheus? As long as u keep regular water changes. Measure the nitrate levels before each water change, if it is too high then u need more filtration.

Mianos....i can't believe u are a mod for a fish forum and u let your wife limit u to 3 tanks!!! shock.gifLOL.gif U should go for a tropheus tank if u really like them! thumb.gif

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