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I have a spare 4x2x2 i want to start trying to have an african tank, what sort of fish would be suitable and how much? preferably a colony but something colourful but not electric blues or yellows, im thinking tropheus but by the sounds of things very hard to keep, ideas?

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If you're thinking Rift Lake Africans, what about Pseudotropheus Acei (Msuli) "Yellow Tail"? Would be a nice fit for that tank and nice colourful Mbuna with juvies that look good when selling also.

Mine ate all the algae in the tank, so it's always spotless, plus they like swimming around the top half of the tank and don't scurry into their caves when someone unfamiliar comes to look at them. I also hear the females like schooling if you have a few of them.

A real cool fish:

Pseudotropheus sp. "Acei" (Msuli)

Or Tropheus certainly the big thing at the moment but I'm not sure how well a 4'x2'x2' would accomodate them. dntknw.gif

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Hey gavin

what about some melanochromis species , like the maingano and chipoake , i have both not in the same tank but they certainly add colour and personality, there are heaps of others, if you dont want yellows how about some orange pulu points,



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it sounds like u r thinking of keeping tropheus but am worried about the relative difficulty.

I must say out of all the different fish species i have kept, tropheus have been the most rewarding.

U do however need to dedicate some time to weekly or biweekly management which means water changes!

If u can ensure 50% weekly water changes then u will more than likely be successful in keeping them

u have a choice between spirulina flakes and/or NLS pellets. Avoid overfeeding.

Ensure adequate filtration.

Have some metro handy. But in all honesty, if u have a full blown case of bloat, u are doing something wrong in the first place which is usually inadequate maintenance regime.



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Dave (MoliroMan) has two variants in his tank. Just don't put two types of moorii or sp. black etc in together. Dave has T. moorii Moliro and T. sp black Kiriza in together. I prefer single colony tanks. As far as rocks are concerned, I have two major rockpiles at either end of the tank. Check out the Troph thread in the photo section for ideas on tank layout from others.


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Jamie is right, u can have 2 colonies in a tank but the downside is one colony may dominate and u will not get the best displaying fish. Also i have found that the dominant colony will interfere with the other colony when they are trying to breed. Obviously 2 colonies will be fine in a 6 or even 8 foot.

In terms of rockwork, u will have many different opinions on the matter. i have experimented with all extremes. But after talking to Nigel and Jim who is a prolific tropheus breeder who must be doing something right; they have recommending no substrate and minimal rockwork. However, if your aim is to create an amazing looking display tank then 2 rockpiles will be more than enough.

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Only 8 fish in a 4 by 2!!! Sounds like u want to add some tank mates.

Anyway i think u should have at least 15 to really appreciate them and also to avoid aggression.

The tankmates that u can have are;

-cyprochromis sp.


-eretmodus sp.



What variant of tropheus have u decided u want to keep?

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Chipimbi and Moliro. Dave is selling his adult breeding colony of Moliro right now. I've seen them in person, big and beautiful they are (I sound like Yoda tongue.gif ). Check out the classifieds! Deals like this on tropheus are very rare.

Keep us posted,


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