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Tank Sitting question


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I'm just wondering whether a tank needs to have its entire base supported by the cabinet. I have a 6ft tank that overhangs the cabinet and the foam its sitting on by about 20mm. Will this be ok? Or should I put more foam under it?

Or should I put a piece of mdf or ply under the entire base to get it even?

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The Glass is 10mm. So bascially the inside of the tank is 2ft wide but the 2 sides makes it 20mm larger than the foam and cabinet.

I was thinking perhaps of building a "floating" stand about 30mm wide that will sit behind the normal cabinet and will support the last few mm.

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i'd put a piece of 1/2 or 3/4 ply that is the same size as the tank on top of the stand, then put the styrene on top of that, then the tank

i've seen 20mm done, but its such a big tank, i wouldn't trust it. nothing worse than waking up to wet carpet and dead fish

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Well putting the ply under the tank is a no go as it would require more man power than I have available at the moment. I've decided to go with the additional lengthening of the the cabinet, with additional structural timber added at the back to sit flush with the current edge. The wood will be held by liquid nails and screws.

Polystyrene will then be laid over the top of the wood to even out any of the imperfections.

Anyone see a problem with this?

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get some maytes and move the tank fix th estand and be confident with the result, beleive me it really helps you to sleep at night...

if you dont want to fix the stand do this and then have a think about the consequences.....

get a 10l bucket full of water and tip it on the floor,.. outside maybe!.....

.observe the mess, now go get another 60 of these buckets and imagione what that would be like in the house!

To fix the stand i would do a combination of whats been suggested, not sure what it is made of but, i would add 20mm of wood to the back, and secure well, i would also add a piece of plywood 5mm+ ontop of the existing stand base, so as it completely covers the base of the tank add a full piece of foam, and re install tank,

or just sell that stand and get one that will do the job properly.

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