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Hey Everyone.

I was helping my old man in the garden when we stumbled across this spider. I have never seen one like this before confused.gif, I have seen similar looking ones but this one has real dark red under its legs( almost likes its bleeding) Any ways thought I would take some pics of him to see if anyone has seen one or knows what it is.

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Don't you just hate the big and hairy ones...

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Thanks Steve. The camera I have is pretty old and is only 3 megapixels but once you know how to work it it does a decent job.

Yeah its got me stumped, well I dont no much bout spiders but I have never seen one of these. dntknw.gifconfused.gif

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Thanks Matty & Ged thats the one. There are a couple of photos of one that site Matty posted up and they look Identicle to the one we found.

BTW, I am arachnophobic, that's why I'm so interested in spiders. Weird huh!

LOL im a little that way I dont mind them to much but soon as they get hairy I wont go to near them. no.gif

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Yes, you are very weird stotto... Enjoys squashing beetles with his bare toes... picking up and throwing live peniS roaches at people....

You never know what he is going to do to you? dntknw.gif

But i love ya stotto hug.gif

On some occasions blush.gif


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hey i hate spiders to got bitten on the neck two years ago by a union jack or a wolf spider whatever you like to call it .I killed two redbacks that were in the shed this weekend cant stand spiders nice pics though

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