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My electric blue released her fry this morning and its the first time I have had a fish breed, (pretty stoked). How long will it be before the mum turns on the fry and does she need a few days to rest before I remove her back into my main tank?

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Firstky congrats on the new bubs. With my blues i loet her spit and then kepp her with them for 1 day as they might go back in and out. She does not turn on them staright away just give her some food and she should be right. I then rest my females for about 3 days just gibing them brineshrimp to plumpen them back up.

Best of luck with the fry mate. They are quick growers. Crush high protein pellets up and give them that with baby brine shrimp. They love it



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Well done on your success. E.blues aren't as easy as some other Africans to breed.

Like Camo said, maybe leave her in there a day but not much longer as she'll be pretty darn hungry after not eating for 3-4 weeks. Do you have a resting tank to put her in to recover for a few days? If not make sure she has plenty of hidey spots in her tank to rest away from the male. I've lost females before from putting them straight back in to their main tank, and they're not fully recovered first.

To explain it further, when they hold not only do they not get any sustenance for 3-4 weeks but the majority of oxygen entering her mouth is used by the eggs/fry. Consequently she cops the dual effect of no food and low oxygen intake for that period and the result by the time she releases is that she's extremely weak and vunerable.

Good luck with the fry - everyone wants E.blues so you should have no trouble selling them. thumbup.gif

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Well done on your success. E.blues aren't as easy as some other Africans to breed.

Good luck with the fry - everyone wants E.blues so you should have no trouble selling them.  thumbup.gif

I agree, E blues can breed like rabbits but when they switch off for whatever reason they take ages to switch back on. I have also lost females by puting them back after releasing and then getting smashed. What i do now with my blues is i strip after 10-14 days depending on how thin shes getting or if shes being hassled. I remove her for 2 minutes and put her straight back then over feed the tank so she doesn't have to fight for food. I've had much more success with them since changing to this method.

As for the fry i feed them crushed spirulina flake til they are free swimming then a mixture of the parents foods crushed very finely. I couldn't sell them through the forum only the LFS would take them.

Good luck Cheers Couchy thumbup.gif

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i generally leave my females in with there fry for anything up to a week as you will find she will generally take them back into her mouth of a night i do this cause i like to think that it will help instill in the fry to be better parents when u raise them up in turn making your job easier but as Camo says put some feed in there for her and i generally feed the fry some bbs or some powdered fry food for the first week by leaving her in there with the fry she also gets time to regain her strength

hope this helps

cheers Cal

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