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Shellies in a community tank


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Hi all,

Just looking for some feedback on if it would be advisable to add a pair of hecqui to a 5" community tank which currently has 7 (3m 4f) young occellatus. I currently have about 20 shells in the tank dispersed into 3 groups.



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could get a bit exciting for a while until they sort themselves out.

Hequi will get much bigger and will need bigger shells, but the occies are full of fight so should be able to look after themselves..

maybe set up a viual barrier so the two types cant se each other from theie respective shell beds.

give it a go but keep a close eye on them, hopefully it will turn out pretty good.

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Thanks Mick,

The hecqui are a full grown pair. I put the occies' shells in the middle of a fairly densely planted area because they were so small when I got them. I'll get some bigger shells for the hecqui and put them at the other end. We'll see what happens!



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