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My Long-Awaited Africans [d/l warning]


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Hey guys;

Well since i've been back into the hobby after a one year break i've built up my collection to a number of exciting little fish, these being my Tangs!

Heres some amateur snaps i took with my Ricoh RR30; specs: 3.24MP, 3x optical zoom ,0.22 shutter release time. ( Hey it was the best cam you could get 3 years back! )


L. speciosus "handsome occelatus"

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Standard 4 foot tank

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J. regani "zambia gold"

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A. calvus "black"

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L. occelatus "gold"

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P.S If anyone knows how to make some of these clearing using P.S please tell !

cheers; Richard

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Cool fish and snaps. Very good givent he camera you are using. I have kept most of those species during my days. Very rewarding! They are after my own heart!

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