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Geophagus surinamensis


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hi guys just wondering if any one has or breeds these guys i got 4 of them and just wanting to know what they like for breeding eg tank setup and spawning activities...

cheers Jamie

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i have a breeding pair of these....u should move them into a 4foot or bigger and they bred at 12-15cm and have sand as there substrait cause mine used to lay there eggs in the sand

ive got the 4 in my 4ft and they have dug out a fair hole in my 2-3mm gravel they dont have a problem with it.. what tank setup do u have in your breeding tank? when i see some "pairing activities" ill rip the other 2 out and put in my other 4ft.

also do u have much in the tank in the way of drift wood, rocks and plants?


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i have a breeding pair of these....u should move them into a 4foot or bigger and they bred at 12-15cm and have sand as there substrait cause mine used to lay there eggs in the sand

ive got the 4 in my 4ft and they have dug out a fair hole in my 2-3mm gravel they dont have a problem with it.. what tank setup do u have in your breeding tank? when i see some "pairing activities" ill rip the other 2 out and put in my other 4ft.

also do u have much in the tank in the way of drift wood, rocks and plants?


They generally lay their eggs on the highest sloping site in the aquarium. So put something suitable in. A piece of wood or elevated sloping slate they may find suitable. If this site happens to be under some sort of water flow then the eggs will hopefully mature and develop.

If they spawn in an area that does not receive a lot of water movement then you are likely to have eggs that die. cryblow.gif

You will see their colours increase when they are ready to spawn and their aggression level increases. PS. This is the only time I have ever seen anything that you might call aggression, it really is the mildest form of - 'excuse me but we are about to spawn and if you don't move then I will gently escort you away from my spawning site', ... well that level of aggression is displayed. The females 'tube' will also drop.

The parental care they display, their mild manners and their beautiful colours make them a magnificent fish in my eyes. Best of luck.


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well i had my breeding apir in with a smaller pair in a 600x500x500 they bred and i didnt realise that they did until the fry were free swimming but holy craP it IS NOT A GOOD IDEA to have a smaller pair in there no.gif i saved one smaller one, a inch from death....but than again when theres something else in the tank they will try and breed more

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well in the tank that they are in there is 5 bristlenose cats to keep alge under controll and 5 small 1 inch angel fish and the 4 15ish +-2cm red horsefaces.

2 of them have taken over 1/2 the tank and have been shivering like discus... im assuming this happens when they are thinking about breeding? but i have only had them in the tank for 4 days now but then again they were happy in there new tank a couple of hours after there arrival!

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Once they get breeding they will breed like clockwork for you. Just a good diet and water quality and their really isn't much else to it.

They are delayed mouthbrooders. Meaning the female will lay her eggs of a flat surfce as already stated, then guard them and pick them up 3ish days after laying.

Here are some pics of my old pair -

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what is you guys diet for your breeders? and did u notice anything happening before they started breeding like shimmering (like discus) as mine have been shimmeing a bit and the male has been going up to the female and softly pecking at her and chasing her round the tank is this a good sign?

cheers for all this valuable info!

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My male used to contsantly display to his mate, even when she had gobful of fry! so yes their is alot of shimmering to be had.

You should notice both their tubes drop about 12-36hours before spawning.

Used to eat just about anything from spirulina flakes to artemia.

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