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Apisto Display Tank Pics


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Hi All,

While I'm still struggling with my ISP to get my personal website set up, I've just gone to Photobucket in the interim so at least now I can show you all my apisto display tank set up.

Here are the photos: (Yes the are going right to left)

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What is the plant in the middle of photos 2 and 3.

Would love a full list of fish and plants you have in there.  Great setup.


Thanks all. Appreciate the kind comments.


Do you mean the plant on the left hand side of that bunch of two with the long leaves or the one on the right with the small rounded leaves? The one of the LHS is a long leaf pogo variety. The RHS one I can't remember but will find out.

I'll try and put together a full list of plants but I've lost track of most of their names. Will just email my LFS where I purchased most of them from and ask them. The owner's really good like that.

The fish:

7 glasscats

2 PM bristlenose

18 cardinals

4 borneo suckers

2 upside down cats

2 angels

5 boesmani rainbows

8 neon rainbows

1 danio (have had him for so long now, he's a tough little guy)

1 gold sucker (the last of the group of 3 that were the first fish I ever put in my tank about 4 years ago. didn't want to keep him when I redid my set up over the last few months because he can be disruptive, especially given his size now, but his part of the family)

1m 1f blue rams

6 butterfly fish

5m guppies

6 Siamese flying foxes

And a whole bunch of gold mystery snails

And the Apistogrammas:

cacatuoides: 1m, 2f

agassizii: 1m, 4f

viejita: 2m, 4f

macmasteri: 1m, 2f

bitaeniata: 1m, 2f

and picking up this afternoon:

baenschi: 1m, 1f

apistogrammoides pucallpaensis: 1m, 1f

There are a lot of apisto's in the one tank, and as Steph has mentioned on one of my previous posts cross-breeeding is an issue that I wasn't aware of, especially b/w the viejita and macmasteri. However the tank is set up to be as apisto friendly as possible with lots of hidey holes and covering plants but isn't set up or ideal conditions for breeding. But I guess you never can tell what these little guys will get up to.

They really are such a great bunch of fish to sit back and watch for long periods at a time.

I'll try and get back to you shortly on the plant list.



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What is the plant in the middle of photos 2 and 3.

Would love a full list of fish and plants you have in there.  Great setup.


Hi Steve,

I've compiled my plant list. I'll repost the main tank pictures and the plant listing in the Underwater Garden forum.



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