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Growth formula food?


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I've been hearing a lot of talk about NLS (new life spectrum) foods. I was considering purchasing thier growth formula but I've heard bad things about other brands growth formula. I've also heard that most are just hormones etc. and have side affects on the fish. But i assumed the NLS product would be better??

Has anyone tried this brand and product or any other similar product. Not doing this for profit or fry turn over just would like to see better growth out of my fish and see them at thier best.

Cheers Couchy thumbup.gif

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From reading NLS's forum, the growth formula is just higher fat & protein percentages, whether that suits your fish's needs I don't know.

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Grow = high protien + alot of oxygen + tank space. I find that those 3 things make grow alot faster, some fish might not be able to handle the high protien foods, so then you might have to research that. It depends on what fish you are growing up. Hope this helps.

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