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Tang Prices


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I was just woundering if anyone would be able to tell me ifthe following are in australia, and if so how much would cost?

Enantiopus melanogenis kilesa

Erethmodus cyanosticus

cyathopharynx foai mbita

Aulonocranus dewindti

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prices for fish approximately 6cm as a guess would be

Enantiopus melanogenis kilesa $100 each

Erethmodus cyanosticus, $40-60 each

cyathopharynx foai mbita, if you can find em....imports ask Nigel.

Aulonocranus dewindti, no idea sorry, never seen em here.

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Aulonocranus dewindti, no idea sorry, never seen em here.

I have some 5-7cm and $45 each.

Enantiopus melanogenis kilesa were sold resently up here in Queensland for $75.

And its been a while since I have seen the Dewindti for sale, but from what I remember they were $55 @ 5cm. about 18 months ago.


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