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L. ocellatus "silver stream" ?


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Okay so you can call me BORED .. but I was just looking at the old SCP forum and found a post in the classified that titled L. ocellatus "silver stream". I was just wondering does anyone have these or have heard of them? This is the first time i've heard about this variant on ocellatus so if anyone has information on these guys please do reply!

cheers; Richard

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  • 2 months later...
Okay so you can call me BORED .. but I was just looking at the old SCP forum and found a post in the classified that titled L. ocellatus "silver stream". I was just wondering does anyone have these or have heard of them? This is the first time i've heard about this variant on ocellatus so if anyone has information on these guys please do reply!

cheers; Richard

I bought a pair at the NSWCA October auction, grown out to 40-45mm would sell if your interested

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I might just revive this thread with the news that my trio have just had there first spawn woot.gif Just curious to hear from any other keepers about the size of the spawns. I can only see 3 fry, and I'm not sure whether they have small spawns, or whether I've missed the vital days of feeding and they've been dropping off from starvation. My gold occies used to have 25+ spawns, so I was hoping for similar numbers. rolleyes.gif Even if people are keeping blacks, what size spawns are coming out of those guys?

Cheers, Chris

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Alrighty then, here's the run down:

I bought 8, and popped em all into a 2X18X18 to grow out, had 2 jump which left me with my current 6.

These 6 are still in the 2ft, I have used lots of rocks to divide the floor up into little territories, all have shells, kind of like occie town houses!

The trio is not really a trio yet, but I believe I only have 2 girls, so a male will be chosen to go with them. I may actually keep them as 2 pairs, still undecided tho. The dominant male (who I believe to be the breeder) is only about 4cm, and the girls are 3.5 cm (the one that bred) and 3cm.

I didn't intentionally condition them, but have been feeding frozen brine once a week as a treat and NLS 1mm cichlid formula is their staple. Which they absolutely LOVE btw.

The females have a lighter brown patterning over the body (but it can become very strong when flaring at each other), and they get a very distinct white stripe at the top of their dorsal fins. I will have to really study them, but I think the girls are a little more yellow on their tummys and pectoral fins as well. These are the only differences I can tell at the moment, apart from the size difference.

I was starting to worry that I only had boys for a while laugh.gif

HTH, Chris

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Thanks for that Chris.

I've also have 6 in a std 2ft tank with rocks and shells scattered about.

Mine are also pretty much the same sizes as yours, but I'm yet to see how many of each sex i've got.

I'll keep a better eye out for the lighter brown patterning, and dorsal fin colouration.

What sort of filtration do you have?

Do keep us updated and post pics if you can.


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I'm just running an Otto internal, 400lph I think, I have 3 cups, 2 with the supplied sponge, and the third is full of ceramic noodles.

So far I would have to say that the white stripe on the dorsal is the best indicator of sex, the males have it too, but the girls are a lot thicker, and it is a very bright white. Will try n post some pics later.

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hi Chris

how old do you think the fry are?.

even though the pr are only young, they would've had more than 3.

my guess? the fry have wandered into other territory and been snapped up.

if you have the room, split them into 2 prs. you will have more success in rearing the fry. b/b/ shrimp are the top tucker but finely crushed flake will do

good luck, we need more of these guys.

cheers; Colin

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Nice novafishy! Yes, I would agree that the second pic is the female, but you never know!

Steve, sorry dude, but it may be a while before I can post pics. No comp at home and I work in a Primary School: the stupid net nanny wont even let me onto photobucket! Soon tho, soon!

Colin, the problem was that I never noticed the fry, so I never fed bbs. I estimate that the fry would be at least 7-10 days old, and they would have had a hard time sucking down an NLS pellet, even tho it was the 1mm laugh.gif So yeah, starvation and predation seem to be the big killer here, D'oh! Another issue I've now noticed is that the otto swirls the water so much that the fry have a hard time getting bbs without having to venture away from the safety of mum and the shell.

Are you keeping silver streams as well?

I think I will definitely go for 2 pairs, still just letting them grow up a bit.

Cheers guys, Chris.

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Hey Chris;

When i first noticed my fry they were already free swimming and roaming around everywhere in the two footer, i only have a pair of black occies. But anyway i assumed they would be about 7-10 days old as thats the time they usually take to hatch, well anyway because of that i didn't prepare any food for them so i just grinded up the NLS cichlid formula and have been feeding them that since. Its been more then a month since they've hatched now and all are showing good growth rate, just about 8-9mm and showing some colouration also. I dont think the ones you lost were from starvation, as im sure they would have found some food somewhere, maybe put in a rock with algae covered over it into the tank next time just in case they breed again and you don't notice it they still have something to eat. But anyway goodluck with them mate thumbup.gif

I was just wondering whats the most generations of fry peole have raised with a single pair of occies before the parents became territorial. My fry now seem like they are taking over the tank, the parents tend to scare them away from each others territory, but with no intention to hurt them. Should i take out the fry and place them in a saver? Any past experiences are welcome.


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I was just wondering whats the most generations of fry peole have raised with a single pair of occies before the parents became territorial. My fry now seem like they are taking over the tank, the parents tend to scare them away from each others territory, but with no intention to hurt them. Should i take out the fry and place them in a saver? Any past experiences are welcome.


Hey Rich, my personal experience was this:

1 pair gold occies, 2X12X12. Male and female lived at opposite ends of the tank, they would spawn, then when they were ready for a new spawn the kids would have to move down to dads house. Mum would pick off a few to protect her new spawn, and I think dad may have eaten some too, anyway, the first spawn would always start to dwindle when the new kids arrived. At this stage they are big enough to move, so just fish em out and get em into a new tank or saver. Its like any fry that you leave in a breeding tank, most will get picked off but a few will manage to grow to a decent size, it depends on how many you want save of course.

Actually, I wouldn't recommend a fry saver. I put 10 1cm fry in one, after about a month there was only 3 left as one small male had become hyper dominant and tried to claim the whole saver as his own.

On the subject of silver fry, I meant that they had been free swimming for at least 7-10 days, and in that time I did not feed em once. Some may have starved, but I am suspecting that in their attempts to get food they have ventured from the safety of the parental shell and into the 'danger zone' and have subsequently been picked off by the others. As of this morning I could only see 1 fry. Anyway, I'm not fussed, as soon as I get the pairs into their own tanks I'm sure there will be lots of hungry mouths to feed. thumbup.gif

Thanks for the offer nova, when I get some better pics I will get back to you, will probably just head to a mates and do it there.

Yeah, out of the 6 only 2 girls, the others are too big and feisty to be girls.

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Col do you think i should leave my fry in there or take them out?

hi Richard

dntknw.gif some prs will tolerate multiple spawns while others see the current spawn a threat to the next and will eliminate them

i find this behaviour is prevelant in young prs and they do become mellow

[if occies can be] after a few consecutive spawns. if you want to try this method, i'd suggest you remove at least half the fry. a pile of small rocks, as far away from the shells as possible would be a big help.

cheers; C

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Hey Col;

Thanks for that advice mate, but i don't think i'll have to worry with this young pair, the feamles guarding some new fry at the moment! LOL.gif These guys just keep surprising me again and again! wub.gif


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GOod work Richard! Must be your late nite story telling and sweet talk that's getting them excited :LOL:  :LOL:

Thanks for the tip Wes! Wouldn't have worked if you didn't reveal me you're secret woot.gif Looks like your voice ain't top notch orelse yours would be breeding like mine aye hug.gif

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