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Growing out peppermints and Albinos


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The same as growing out any fish,,,,,space, water quality, and food !!!

In the old days the rule of thumb was one inch of fish to one gallon of water.

Even with our new fangle power filters and all the rest, things haven't changed that much.

Feeding to the max, good filtration and oxygen, big tanks, will get Ancistrus to 3 cm in about 12 weeks.

That is a Qld 3cm !!!

Not like the 6cm L333 that I got the other week that didn't even make a 3cm Qld fish angry.gif

Why don't all states settle on the international scientific "Standard Length" when measuring fish??????

Would save a lot of grief !!!


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That is a Qld 3cm !!!

Not like the 6cm L333 that I got the other week that didn't even make a 3cm Qld fish  angry.gif

Why don't all states settle on the international scientific "Standard Length" when measuring fish??????

Would save a lot of grief !!!


Hi Alan,

Is it possible to PM me who you sourced the incorrectly size L333, this way I'll avoid falling into the same trap ??? I'll promise not to tell zipit.gifsmile.gif



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