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albino BN x BN outcrosses


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Hey all,

On a previous thread a couple of members indicated that they were considering having a go at out crossing albino BNs with normal brown BNs to strengthen the gene pool. I was just after an update to see how the experiments were progressing.

cheers thumb.gif


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At the moment I have three albino females in with a large mature normal and a friend of mine has two normal females in with albino males.

I both cases the males are proved breeders. There has been a lot of courting activity, paricularly in the last three or four weeks, but so far no spawns.


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Hi guys

Im still waiting waiting waiting ..my groups not doing much still about 4-6mths away i reckon ... thumbup.gif

Will have to spice up their sex lives i think ?? might have to put TV on for them maybe a National Geo doco on catfish breeding LOL

Maybe this wll get them going ROFL


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Well at least we know they can cross, first hurdle cleared.

Phenomena, 3.5 cm, you shouldn't have that long to wait now then eh thumb.gif ? Have you got separate lines breeding so you dont have to spawn brother and sister splits.

Alan, Good luck with your courting action (the fish that is).

"National Geo doco on catfish breeding LOL"

Steady on there mrseby, surely you dont have to resort to the hard core yet, what ever happened to mood music and lighting wink2.gifLOL.gif

My largest male is about 4cm and am considering getting a few females from different lines/batches in the next couple of months.

As an aside, has anybody else noticed any deformities in the albinos yet? I've been looking closely and have seen a couple of snubbed noses in some juvies at a couple of different LFSs that have come in from wholesalers. I reckon we've started outcrossing just in time IMO.

cheers all


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we have some outcrosses that are close to 5cm and they are in with unrelated albino males. give it a month or so and they should be spawning. will let everyone know of any success with it

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  • 1 month later...

wooo hooo thumb.gif

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  • 1 month later...

I just got my first Albino male x Regular female spawn. Will now grow up the spawn (50+) and see what happens when they reach breeding size. If anyone who is trying to get a spawn happening and can't (like Alan), feel free to let me know if you want any of mine, and if you are planning on getting a shipment from someone down here, I'll try to throw a few in for you to speed up the process.

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  • 1 month later...

I think one of my original albino males may have been a cross. He's creamy gold and has a tiny bit of black on the edge of his tail and just slightly darker striped than the rest. He's only breed once to another albino and there was only 2 fry that seemed to have his darker colouring but sadly i lost all his fry.

I don't know enough about genetics to try anything clever but I am curious if it is possible to breed specifically to enhance characteristics like darker lines on an albino coloured BN?

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darker lines on an albino .. BN

Lines? Are you sure it is a BN? None of the BN I have seen have defined lines as such, except on the tail of juvies. Mine are more spotty to mottled.

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Not having any luck at all with albino to normal matings here. They just don't want to know each other.

All fish being used have spawned in the past.

The weather has got too warm at the moment, so will have to wait for a couple of months to see if anything is likely.

Not looking real promising.


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I was getting spawns as regularly as clockwork.

I decided to spread the adults over several tanks one male and one female and they stopped spawning.

I put them back together in 30 inch tank and now the dominate male (2 males * four albino female) spawns like clock work every 4 weeks approx 100 fry. The other 2 males haven't breed again. It's pretty crowded so its 50% water change at least once a week. My water is soft so I add salt at water change time.

When I cross with only ordinary females I only get ordinary fry. I gues it must be the second generation that produce albino fry?

I love my albino! They rarely seem to hide and are out and about nearly all the time. I never see the other varieties unless I go looking for them.

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