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G'day all, one for the admin's

How long or how far down the classified do you have to wait to re-submit an item without it being considered bumping?

I have some items on page 3 and would like to re-submit at a different price than the origional add. I know I can edit the add but that doesn't put it in everyone face for a little while again. I understand bumping from the bottom of page 1 back too thetop is blantant bumping but page 3 or 4 ?


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As long as it isn't blatantly using the classifieds to bump an item that is obviously not going to sell at the advertised price, we don't have a problem with you posting an new ad for the same item every couple of weeks. If you have dropped the price considerably (I'm not talking a few dollars of an item worth a hundred or more), then you can reply to your original ad to show the new, lower price, and "bump" it back up. Adding no new important info to an old ad, or not knocking a decent amount off the original price may result in the whole lot being deleted.

Sometimes, adding a new reply to an old ad with a lower price is less effective than simply posting a whole new ad with the lower price. Your call wink2.gif

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