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Blue Rams Have Bred, need help but

fish frenzy2005

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hi guys,

my blue rams have bred in my 4 foot community tank which contains, corydoras, bristlenose, angelfish, eartheaters, and praecox rainbows. The eggs are on a 4 foot piece of driftwood, so i cant take it out of the tank, so how would people recommned i save them?

How long does it take for the eggs to hatch?


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In the tank they won't survive. Options are either separate parents and put in separate tank. Remove female after they have bred. Remove male before he changes his mind and decides his babies are food.

Or remove the eggs.

To hatch without parents put eggs on driftwood in separate tank, airstone nearby. Eggs will hatch in 2 days. Fry are buggers to feed.



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If you do choose to move the eggs, I would advise that you don't move the parents as well. I have found through experience that moving the group as a whole confuses the parents (they can't adjust to a new environment quick enough) and the fry/egg become dinner.

Also if you do move the eggs, be careful that they are never out of the water, not even for a second as you are transferring them as this can have a catastrophic effect!.

If in future you plan to breed your rams again I suggest you keep them in a separate tank. Rams can make great parents and in the right environment you can have great results in terms on fry success rate. Otherwise if you don't have the space I would just be leaving them where they are and let nature take its course. If you continually remove the eggs or relocate the parents every time they breed, you will find they will become stressed/frustrated and will stop laying eggs!

Also... if your fry have hatched... make sure you have some microworms on hand! The blue ram fry are tiny and can't fit what other fry can fit in their mouths!

Good Luck! They're top little fish wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

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