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Breeding severums


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Hey all havent been on in a while so how is every one? hope you are all good. I have some good news, i have a breeding pair of severums in my 6footer. I have just recieved a free 55galloner and im going to set it up for breeding my severums and angels. half will be for my angels and half for sevrums. There is one little probem blush.gif or should i say a bit of a big prolem and i im not sure what to do dntknw.gif Umm it has an altime big crak right across the bottom for one side to another and a hole in the side because it use to have pipes to a sump. I have sheets of glass to cover the holes and cracks but how should i go abot it?

any answers would be great and im going to have my first pics of my fish up soon coz gf leding me her digital camera.

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is the crack from front to back (approx 14" long) or the lenght of the tank (4')?

If it's the lenght I wouldn't bother - though if you have the base fully supported by 12mm+ ply it might be ok.

Either way, this is how I patch things...

Cover the crack with a fat bead of aquarium safe silicone (Selleys Glass or Parbury Glass - Parbury is cheaper & faster set) & put another bead around the outside edge of the patch, say 1cm from the edge on the side going to the existing tank glass. Place the patch in position & either clamp if on a side panel or weight down if on the base. You can totally cover the base of the patch with silicone if you're paranoid, but sealing the entire edges of it & the crack itself should be more than strong enough.

Why not use the existing sump hole for a sump or as feed or return for a canister or something? Or just patch is as above if you desire.

Also, that tank is probably too small to breed both species, tho if you have a divider then maybe each pair will spur each other on & cement the pair bond better. If they are wreaking havoc in the 6' tank then it's worth a shot I guess - but I'd be worried about the sevs smashing the angles if you don't have a divider.



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Mate no dout there will a divider. But it wont be so they can see esch other coz that would just screw around with breeding patterns. It will be a black sheet of glass or plastic what ever i can get my hands on. Thanks for the tips onfixing the glass and it only goes the 18' so that souldnt be a problem. I cant use the hole to use a sump or cannister coz im using power head drive biosponge filters. Ian coz its a 55gallon tank split in half will be ample space for each breeding pair.

But i must emphisize my thanks on how to fix glass clap.gif coz evering 1 i asked had no idea confused.gif

If any on else has any tips or info i would greatly appericated it.

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