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Jardini and Cichs


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hey hey

this is just a update of my community tank

contains various cichlids not sure what they are if anyone could identify em cool

my jardini about 4mths old was 8-10 cm when i got it

well over 20cm now

theres a small flowerhorn i just got from my friend a day ago


electric yellow

small cich fry prob hybrid

just hatched bn fry

old bn fry

2 adult bristlenose plecos

1 adult 20cm+ common pleco






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nah the africans dont get eaten

the fry dont even get touched

and there always swimming about

but the jar does occasionally come down and try to claim its dominance, theres chasing but no real damages

i feed my jar a variety of foods

alot of insects

worms, slugs, crickets, it even feeds on lizards if they are available, flies, cockaroaches.

those are the occasional snacks if found given to the fish usually atleast 1 bug a day

normal diet

hikari lionhead goldfish pellets, bloodworms, normal mini pellets from fish store.

i fink thats about it

and its a 5x2x2

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garden variety =D

but cant seem to find em anymroe goto wait till summer

but for now

worms and other critters i can find

how about you do u have a jar?

wat do u feed it

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Yeh i have a Jar. He's about 8" now.

He's currently feeding on a wide variety of pellets and i give him every few days a cube of frozen hikari bloodworms and brineshrimp.

Ive fed him crickets before in the past, but after hearing of my friend's baby Jar dying cos it choked on a cricket, I've stopped feeding crickets.

Garden crickets may also have some form of insecticide residue on them...which is another reason why I've stopped. They have great nutritional value no doubt.

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