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How do I send Large fish interstate?


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The same as you would ship any other fish except that you will need bigger thicker plastic bags. Depending on the fish, 3 bags may not go astray and you can put newspaper in between the first and second bag as well. At 35cms, probably only one or 2 fish per box would be my recommendation and I suggest you be the courier as you will probably get them to the airport quicker and at that size, the less time in bags the better smile.gif

Remember the fresh water, oxygen, prime and fasting.

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I recently successfully sent adult Dimi comps to Spooky in Melbourne using $2 cereal containers from the bargain shop. They are the right size to hold a 15 - 20cm fish comfortably, and you don't have to stress about them puncturing the bag.

I added 1/3 water, a few drops of prime and squirted 100% oxygen in there before snapping the lid closed. I also sat a plastic fish bag over the top between the top of the container and the lid to provide an even better seal.

All fish made it without a hitch and I wasn't stressing that they would burst a bag with their large spines or teeth laugh.gif

I'd be looking at buying a large tupperware container or bucket and sending it in that. Obviously you'll need something that will fit inside a polystyrene box.

Otherwise, just get huge fish bags and triple / quadruple bag it.

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