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Electric Blue


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Hey everyone

I bought a male electric blue about 5 days ago and since i put it in the tank it has been bullied and stays up the top corner behind the filter intake. I have been feeding it separately trying to look after it. It is looking a bit beaten up. Is there anyway i can stop the bullying or any other sugestions?

Thanks Tim

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This is a very common problem when adding fish, the best thing to do is rearrange the tanks decorations/caves etc and leave the light off for a while , this way all fish are on a equal playing field. and the electric blue will be able to establish a territory.

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yes i agree do a big water change and turn the tank up side down (not literally). Just move all the stuff in there around so all the fish believe it is a new habitat and that they won't pick on new comers


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when this happens to me i just put most of the males into seperate tanks all alone for a while then return them at the same time, then they all have equal chances of winning the fights

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yer i agree with young_11

do a waterchange and then completly change your tank around to give all the fish a fair go in finding a new home to protect.

iv had the same problems before but hav over come them in time

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