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L/LDA numbers for our 'BN'

MikeWs Fish

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Hi there,

I've just been flicking through 'Aqualog - all L numbers' (new edition). I'm just wondering what we have.

Ive heard the common BN referred to as LDA 72 but I ve some that look alot more like L148/L149. I have some that look exactly like the picture botton left on page 120. Maybe there are a few types of 'BN' about. If so why would someone sell them as 'BN' when they could sell them as their true L number, unless they didnt know exactly.

Also are our peppermints Ancistrus dolichopterus L183? I dont have any adults with the white flag on their tail/dorsal fin although the fry do have this. I'm aware that this is something that they lose with age. In the aqaualog, it shows adults with the whitle flag and then again some without the white flag. Ive been told that they are indeed L183, but just need furthur clarification. I'm not a fan of calling them 'peppermints', as I'm sure they dont have much of a 'peppermint' flavour. Are there more than 1 type of 'peppermint' BN available in OZ?

Orange spots, are they L110/L157?

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G'day Mike

I would say that Alan would be the man to assist you on your quest. From memory though there is still a bit of debate as to what we actually have here. But I am sure he will be able to point you in the right direction.

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There is plenty of confusion as to what we have here and whether or not several similar strains/morphs came in over the years, whether or not these have been hybridised etc.

Also, the L/LDA number system isn't the be all and end all of describing these fish - so many have been discovered in recent years that taxonomists have not yet been able to get down to giving them proper scientific names and describing them all fully. This will take a long time no doubt - I'd say there isn't a lot of money/funding for taxonomy of funky little South American catfish. Over time there has been shuffling around of fish and their L numbers and plenty of mistakes and contradictions made.



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