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need some advice


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sorry mods i am not sure if this is posted in the right area

just wondering what i can mix together with these fish they are in a breeding setup just dont want cross breeding i know anything can happen but just my best options to avoid it

listed below are what i have just wondering what people recommend or have had together in the past

1. aul ngara flametail

2. dimi comps

3. hongi

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D. compressiceps is a large and impressive open-water predator in their natural habitat. It uses its narrow body in ambushing prey. It hunts with its head angled downward, and its narrow body outline toward its prey so as to minimize its visibility, hence the name. In the wild, this fish preys on other cichlids, mostly Pseudotropheus and Aulonocara species and could easily revert back to its natural instincts in the tank if you provide them with the temptation. I would not be recommending putting D. compressiceps in with L. sp. 'Hongi' or A. 'Ngara Flametail'


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I'm with Ged on this. All fish are different in tempament, and some Dimmi's are soft as marshmallows, meanwhile others are outright killers... woot.gif

Maybe a hap of soft nature.

You haevnt mentioned what size tank either mate, will make things a bit easier.



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its five footer didn't mean these fish sorry i ment can people recommend good fish to put with each one as looking to add a few new colonies

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Well with the flametails you could try some mbuna of some sort that has colours which may strike against the flametails colour.

The hongi...maybe some peacocks with colours to go with that theme.

Not sure with Dimi's, never kept em, but know of reputation. Have seen some incredibly peaceful Dimi's though so its up to you as to whatyou keep with them. Maybe try some small mbuna (cheap) and see how they react to them. woot.gif


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