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Geo info please

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Hellow DWD,

Long time no chat...lol

By info on them, do you mean where to get them? Or info on their care and maintenance?



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It's Geophagus "Bahia red". Very similar requirements to Brasiliensis.

Geophagus sp. 'Rio Areoes', somewhat like surinamensis.... IMO, they may get lost in the hobby being somewhat so similar.

I've seen both these variants when I was in Europe last.... certainly not a 'poster fish' for South American earth eaters, but something new I guess.

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I agree with kevkoi, that the "Rio Areoes" could end up being lost or crossed. It is a remarkably similar fish to a lot of "surinamensis" floating around.

The "Bahia Red" are stunning, and IMO, well worth the acquisition.

G. altifrons is another highly variable species, which pops up in the hobby from time to time. There are many variants, from different localities, and it could indeed be difficult to know if you "have what you have". If you can be confident of what you're buying, then by all means, look into it. Don't forget, however, that altifrons and surinamensis are very similar in appearance - and often confused as a result.

G. "Pindare" is another member of the surinamensis complex - but a highly distinguishable one. It's defining characteristics are the marbled pattern in the caudal fin and heavy orange-red striping on the flanks. Care is as for G. surinamensis. They do very well in the same conditions as Discus, and may be kept with Discus. It already enjoys some representation in the Australian hobby, and I see no reason why this fish would end up lost or hybridised - so long as the price remains high enough to maintain the level of appreciation...lol



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saw some geophagus bahia red today at a LFS and they wanted one hundred and thirty five dollars each. nice looking fish though even at two inches.

also had some other rare geos too, one i have never even heard of even and i love my geos.

why have we not got any satonoperca daemon yet???


adam smile.gif

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