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Small flies in the sump


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G'day all,

I've just noticed some very small flies wizzing around above the water in my sump, as well as a few very small worms (lavae) in the water as well. I'm assuming they are the flies at pre-takeoff stage. Whats the best way to get ride of the flies and the wrigglers? Can't us fly spray as it will pollute the water. Can I use an external worm treatment for the wrigglers and halt the cycle? Para ex maybe?

Your thoughts please.



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Hi Glenn

not real sure what you have there but as a suggestion could you add any fish to the sump that would eat the larvae?

or are they on the filter media, dacron, bioballs etc? maybe change/clean media but a complete clean out may be on the cards.

we had some little vinigar flys infect our meal worm culture that had been going strong for several years....only solution was to start again.

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Drop a siamese fighter in there and he will eat both the flies and the larvae, and anything else that wriggles its way in there. If the sump is big enough a male and a female could live in there and breed feeders for you as well.


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