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My New colony.


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Hi All

The quality of the pics is well ordinary, but had to share pics of the new fish.

I finally got some more Kachese to add to my 4, couldnt be happier with them.

All up there is now 21 in the 8 footer and 11 smaller 3-4 cm in another tank I may add them back to the main colony yet to get the numbers up there.

Have to say a big Thanks to Shagsy for parting with these quality little gems. thumb.gif

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Great fish mate! I know why they call them Kachese because they have a "cheese" like appearance!! LOL.gif

My tropheus would luv to swim in a 8 footer! Is there any reason why u don't add the other 11 to the main colony? I think u should just add all of them because adult tropheus rarely attack juveniles. Otherwise your tank will look very empty! I use to keep 60 Tropheus Moliros in a 4 by 2 by 2!

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Thnks for the replies all

Yes still considering adding the youngsters to the colony, i realise the new ones would be ok with them just watching my previous 4 to see that they play nice with the new family, yes infact my big girl has a mouthful to one of the new boys! But I was also considering selling the fry to cover some of the costs, but after considering it i think i will add them and let them all grow up and then sell off any future fry.....my colony comes first..

The colours of these guys is way better than i thought, some are very dark like my chipimbi, and other are almost a yellowish gold colour on their flanks, the dominant fish have the nice red cheeks, and red stripes across their faces, dark edge to non paired fins, and a nice red all over, dark heads, and a yellow flash up the sides....but of course this is a vauge description as they are constantly changing!!!

So 32 tropheus, 12 lepto kitumbas (10 more on the way), 4 spilopterous, 3 ventralis, it wont be tooo empty looking... This tank still has a lot of work to go in regards to fake background and rocks.., and a few little things to sort on the 234L sump.

No none were lost in transit, even though they were stuffed around at brissy airport and arrived 3 hours late being placed on later planes.

The trio of pvc pipes, i have two in this tank and a few more in other tanks.. basically it is three lengths of PVC cable tied together, and attched by suction cups to the top of the tank, I find them extreamly usefull for fish that are getting picked on to hide in... funny these were covered in algae on wednesday, nice and clean now, as is the back pane of glass...

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Hey there Mick,

U must be over the moon with these new fellas, you have wanted more for so long! The tank looks great, looks like everything is going well for you. How do u like the new job?

I rarely have time to catch up with anyone anymore, but one day I'll have to make an effort to come say g'day.

Take it easy mate,


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