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live electric yellow to dead


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Lost an electric yellow this evening over a 2 hr period. no signs of trauma, no bloated abdomen. all other fish in tank (300L) look good.

i did do water change at 2.45pm using tristart as i have been doing for 5 months.

ph =7.6, no amonium or nitrates.

should i consider adding an anti toxin such as prime (seachem) all other fish look fine.

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Lost an electric yellow this evening over a 2 hr period.  no signs of trauma, no bloated abdomen.  all other fish in tank (300L) look good.

i did do water change at 2.45pm using tristart as i have been doing for 5 months.

ph =7.6,  no amonium or nitrates.

should i consider adding an anti toxin such as prime (seachem)  all other fish look fine.

i think you may be over reacting,

you lost 1 fish and you have been using the same process for 5 months?

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