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Easy Questions


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Hey everyone

I am doing marine studies at school and have some homework. Just thought i would check with you guys if i am right and it might be some fun trying a different aproach to homework

Ok the only question i am going to ask is:

Describe 4 steps involved in setting up a tropical Freshwater aquarium?

I think i know it but there may be better answers to what i have

Thanks guys Tim

P.S Excess food does add to amonia levels?

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How about you post up what you believe is the answer and then we will give you some opinions as to how you can improve on it. wink2.gif

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Its ok now thanks

I handed it in and got 100%. It was really easy stuff. But I would like to say most of it i wouldnt have know if it wasnt for this forum. clap.gif

Thanks Tim

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You find lots of information in the FAQ on a vast array of topics. It always a good place to start looking for answers. One advantage of the forum is the members are keen to help particularly after you have tried to do a bit of research first.

What did you put down as your answers?


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In my answers I just wrote about cycling the tank and making sure the pH etc. is correct. He didnt want to much info so it was a bit brief.

Thanks for the help

P.S I did go through the FAQ and didnt find what I was looking for. I might be retarted though and missed it.

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If you want the references i can give them to you. Also if you could over look any mistakes (typos) in that article, they shouldn't be there and i've tried to get someone to edit is for me as i don't have access to edit it myself.


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