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Lwanda Peacock Pics and Fry


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Just thought I would post some pictures of my Male Lwanda who is about 8 months old and his new Fry.

The pictures are not very clear but best I could do considering my good camera is getting repaired.

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Here is my Young Bristle Nose as well.

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Great looking peacock the Lwanda, but can confirm one thing: is he really just 8 months old???! Or is that how long you've actually had him?

(Like, did you grow him up on 80%+ protein food, in a swimming pool or something?!!)

Regardless, nice looking fish you have there. clap.gif

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Great looking peacock the Lwanda, but can confirm one thing: is he really just 8 months old???! Or is that how long you've actually had him?

(Like, did you grow him up on 80%+ protein food, in a swimming pool or something?!!)

Regardless, nice looking fish you have there.  clap.gif

He was purchased 14/1/2005 at 3cm, I guessed 8 months would have covered it maybe not? Im growing my fry up now, how long does it take for them to reach 3cm??

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He was purchased 14/1/2005 at 3cm, I guessed 8 months would have covered it maybe not? Im growing my fry up now, how long does it take for them to reach 3cm??

What ever your doing will get them to 3cm pretty quick! laugh.gif

But if you keep up the water changes and give them a good diet, they should thrive and grow to 3cm in at least 6 months if not sooner.

I currently have P.saulosi fry that are 2cm at 3 months old.

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He was purchased 14/1/2005 at 3cm, I guessed 8 months would have covered it maybe not? Im growing my fry up now, how long does it take for them to reach 3cm??

What ever your doing will get them to 3cm pretty quick! laugh.gif

But if you keep up the water changes and give them a good diet, they should thrive and grow to 3cm in at least 6 months if not sooner.

I currently have P.saulosi fry that are 2cm at 3 months old.

So hes probably a bit older, either way hes doing alright for a youngster, hope they keep producing fry.

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Nice pic's thumb.gif

One question - that top pic with the pot as a cave - does he use that as a spawning cave? (i.e do they spawn inside the pot?)



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