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Peacock not well


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I noticed the other day that one of my peacocks is not traveling too well. While all the other fish are happy this guys is gasping and not showing much interst in food. He's still swimming normally in the bottom half of the tank, hasn't lost any colour, and is fleeing when spooked, but he just isn't behaving like he used to.

Lack of Oxygen is definitely not an issue - I have three filters runing on the tank with a combined output of well over 1500 lph. I also have an airstone running the entire length of the tank. Water parameters are fine. All the other fish are fine except for this one guys who's really sucking in the water compared to the others and is not showing much interest in food.

Anyone have any ideas on what could be wrong with him?



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Is it showing clamped fins?

If not I'm thinking stress, a fish may 'pant' if stressed and as there are no immediately obvious signs of disease or damage he/she may be copping some extra attention from its tankmates. A more insidious reason is gill fluke or a similar gill-based parasite which will require a specific medication and treatment.

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maybe from agression - but there are three more possibilities for you off the top of my head

1. PH drop

2. Toxic conditions (toxins, ammonia, nitrite or high nitrate)

3. One of the many species of parasites

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